52 Interesting Fun Facts About Congo | What is Known for?

52 Interesting Fun Facts About Congo | What is Known for?

Will you allow us to introduce a country is full of cultures and hundreds of languages? Well, we are talking about Congo, which is a linguistically diverse nation. It has abundant natural resources while the people of this country are friendly and affectionate. You will be amazed after learning all the interesting facts about Congo that we are going to mention below. Just read on to find them.

Quick Congo Facts and Information

Official Name: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Capital City: Kinshasa
Population: 101,780,263
Area: 2,344,858 sq km
Languages: French, Lingala, Kingwana, Kikongo, Tshiluba
Time Zone: UTC+1 (West / Central African Time)
– Source: CIA World Fact Book

Funny & Interesting Facts about Congo Nobody Knows

What is Republic of Congo Known for?

No#1: 2nd largest African country

After Algeria, Congo is the second largest African country and 11th largest country globally, with an area of 2,344,858 square kilometers.

No#2: 9 border countries

Nine neighboring countries share the border of Congo.

No#3: 250 ethnic groups

More than 250 ethnic groups live in Congo, but Kongo, Mongo, Mangbetu-Azande, and Luba cover a major of the total population.

Facts about the Republic of Congo

No#4: 200 languages

The inhabitants of Congo use around 200 different languages, but their official language is French.

No#5: 5.4 million people died

Due to armed conflicts since the 1960s, more than 5.4 million people lost their life for this lethal clash.

No#6: Child soldier recruitment

Children aged between 8- to 16-year-old often forced to join the military, especially in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

Historical Fact for Congo Africa

No#7: Oldest national park in Africa

The Virunga National Park was established in 1925 and is located in the eastern part of Congo, the oldest national park in Africa.

No#8: Lower electricity users

3 out of 5 people in the Congo have no electricity while the percentage is pretty higher in rural areas.

No#9: 1.8% Tarred roads

Only 1.8% of Congo roads are tarred, while the percentage is around 85% in the USA.

No#10: 450,000 refugees

Around 450,000 inhabitants of Congo are living outside the country due to ongoing instability.

No#11: Independency

On June 30, 1960, Congo achieved the title of an independent nation from Belgium.

No#12: Full name of Congo

The full name of Congo is the Democratic Republic of Congo, although its earlier name was Zaire.

No#13: Second-longest river in Africa

The Congo River is not only the second-longest river in Africa but the world’s deepest recorded river. It is approximately 2,920 miles long and 720 feet deep.

Congo River Fun Facts

No#14: World’s second-largest rainforest

The Congo rainforest is the world’s second-largest tropical rainforest, which has high levels of biodiversity, covering a 500 million acres area in six countries.

Fun Facts about Congo

No#15: A megadiverse country

The Congo is one of the megadiverse countries out of 17, which has many endemic species.

No#16: 91.1 million Population

According to the recent data of the World Bank, around 91.1 million people are living in Congo.

No#17: Christian Religion

95.7% of Congo people come from the Christian religion.

Congo Culture Facts

No#18: National Dish

The national dish of the Republic of the Congo is Moambe chicken

No#19: Cassava

Cassava is a massively produced crop in Congo, followed by sugar cane and maize.

No#20: Eating monkeys

Eating monkey is a common tradition among Congolese as they take it as a must-eat” and “ordinary delicacy” option; it is pretty expensive too.

Weird Things of Congo

No#21: Most Popular Places

  • Virunga National Park
  • Lake Kivu
  • Lake Tanganyika
  • Kinshasa
  • Brazzaville
  • Pointe Noire

No22: Second-poorest country 

Though Congo is enriched with natural resources, the annual income is around $785 US dollars that makes them the second-poorest country in the world.

No#23: 77.04% literacy rate

According to UNESCO, the literacy rate is around 77.04%. However, only 66.5% of women are literate, while 88.52% of males are literate.

No#24: 60.37 years life expectancy

Congo takes its name from the Congo River, which runs through the region.

No#25: No picture!

Taking pictures of a human being or any animal may make the Congolese angry as they believe it removes the spirit of the human or animal.

No#26: Rare Wildlife

Rare animals like eastern Lowland Gorilla, Bonobo, Chimpanzee, Cross River Gorilla, etc., are the rarest animals found in the Congo.

No#27: Farming profession

As there is no formal job demand, most rural people drop out after secondary school and engage in farming work.

No#28: Kinshasa 

The largest city of Congo is Kinshasa, which is also the capital of this country.

No#29: Mount Stanley

The third highest mountain in Africa is Mount Stanley; it is 16,763 ft tall and was first accented by Duke of the Abruzzi‎ in 1906.

No#30: Named after the Congo River

Congo takes its name from the Congo River, which runs through the region.

Importance Fact of Congo

No#31: $24 trillion Natural resources

Congo is so highly enriched with natural resources that the estimated value of the resources can be around $24 trillion.

No#32: Witches Superstations

Many ethnic groups of Congo choose children as witches; they are often beaten and even murdered for being the imaginary symbol of witches.

No#33: Mobutu Sese Seko

Mobutu Sese Seko, the former president of Congo, left the legacy of chaos and corruption as he embezzled around $15 billion money during this rule.

No#34:Katanga Cross

During the 19th and early 20th centuries, a currency named “Katanga Cross” was used among Congolese to trade daily commodities.

No#35: 1,130 species of birds

More can 1,130 species of birds can be found in Congo; passerines/perching birds, water birds, hole-nesters, ground birds, fruit-eaters, and birds of prey are rare birds among them.

No#36: 55% are poor

More than half of the population are impoverished, and their daily income is less than $1 per day.

No#37: Earning from Mining

The mining sector contributes large amounts of income to Congo.

Congo Rainforest Facts

No#38: 70% rainforest coverage

Over half of the Congo is covered by jungles, which is not suitable to live for human beings.

No#39: The Pygmy Tribe

 The Pygmy Tribe is one of the most popular tribes in Congo due to its small stature. This group of short people started to live in Congo around between 50,000 to 90,000 years ago.

No#40: AIDS-related deaths

One of the deadly diseases in Congo is HIV / AIDS, which took the lives of more than 37000 people in 2010.

No#41: Higher malnutrition rates 

Congo is one of the top countries with the highest malnutrition rates, and the number of children affected by this disease is around 4.6 million.

No#42: 8 active volcanoes

Congo has 8 active volcanoes, and the Nyiragongo Volcano is one of the most active and largest lava lakes in the world.

No#43: Most popular dishes

  • Mangoes
  • Loso ya boulayi
  • Sakamadesu
  • Cossa Cossa
  • Congolese street food

No#44: Popular game

Football is the most popular in Congo, although their national game is Nzango, which literally means “foot game.”

No#45: Traditional dress

Both men and women wear a traditional dress named Liputa, which has vibrant colors and prints.

No#46: 2200 People died from Ebola

Due to the Ebola virus outbreak in Congo, around 2200 people died from this virus though it was first found in 1976 near the Ebola River.

No#47: Several holidays

There are around 20-25 holidays in Congo, where people celebrate these days with different traditions and cultures.

No#48: Sharing drinks with ancestors

Many Congolese still believe that sharing beers or other beverages with ancestors is a gesture of respect.

No#49: Moziki Group

Moziki is a popular group in Congo, where the group members contribute the money to the group and spend it to help each other in times of financial need.

No#50: A cultural belief on babies teeth

It is the custom in Congo to throw the baby’s teeth on top of the house. They believe it helps their children to grow the teeth appropriately again.

No#51: Shaving a widow’s head

As a part of the tradition, many ethical groups in Congo shave off widows’ head if their husband is deceased.

No#52: “La presentation”

In Congo, often men show respect and his wiliness to marry a girl by arranging a ceremony called “La presentation.”


Congo is a well unknown country among many of us. This naturally enriched country has many vibrant facts to make you short of words. How many interesting facts about Congo you had known earlier? If you know anything more about the country, drop the text so that we can learn about it.

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